Bumble Bees playgroup early learning goals...

Our day to day sessions are extremely varied and are focused on the Early Learning Goals provided by the government with the emphasis on learning through play.

These goals cover the 6 main areas of young children's development and learning, and we aim to cover these areas through a wide spectrum of activities in every session;

Personal, social and emotional development - Developing confidence and independence whilst learning to concentrate and enjoy sharing as part of a group.

Communication, language and literacy - Communicating with one another and developing skills in talking, listening, reading and writing.

Mathematical development - Using ideas about number, quantity, measurement, shape and space.

Knowledge and understanding of the world - Investigating and beginning to understand the things, places and people around them.

Physical development - Improving control and coordination of their bodies while learning to move and handle equipment.

Creative development - Finding ways to communicate by using colour, shape, sound, texture, movement and stories.

All these goals can be achieved through structured play, helping your child build on their existing skills and interests and it is hoped that most children have reached them by the time they leave us to go on to primary education. Parents own encouragement of children's learning skills and interest in their activities at pre-school is extremely beneficial.

The children's progress is continually assessed during their time with Bumble Bees although there are no tests involved, however parents will receive an assessment of the child's progress towards the early learning goals.

 If a child has any special needs or learning difficulties then these needs will be accommodated. Confidentiality is observed at all times.


Leighton Buzzard Bumble Bees Playgroup